Sour Shandy Yuzu-Hops Candy- 3 oz. Jar
A shandy is a light beer mixed with lemonade. These are a glown-up version of the summer drink.
We start with a yuzu citrus base and add fresh hop and calamansi zest. Each time we pour or pull, we add faint bits of other flavors for a more complex profile; elderflower, guava, and solid hop petals and citrus zest. We color as we go so no two mixes are the same. Finally, we sprinkle in malic acid crystals to add an agreeable tartness that's almost creamy.
Each jar of hard candy comes with little trinkets of an ingredient we use, and for this flavor we've added a few hop petals so you can taste for yourself.
The tartness level is about the same as a lemonade.
A shandy is a light beer mixed with lemonade. These are a glown-up version of the summer drink.
We start with a yuzu citrus base and add fresh hop and calamansi zest. Each time we pour or pull, we add faint bits of other flavors for a more complex profile; elderflower, guava, and solid hop petals and citrus zest. We color as we go so no two mixes are the same. Finally, we sprinkle in malic acid crystals to add an agreeable tartness that's almost creamy.
Each jar of hard candy comes with little trinkets of an ingredient we use, and for this flavor we've added a few hop petals so you can taste for yourself.
The tartness level is about the same as a lemonade.
A shandy is a light beer mixed with lemonade. These are a glown-up version of the summer drink.
We start with a yuzu citrus base and add fresh hop and calamansi zest. Each time we pour or pull, we add faint bits of other flavors for a more complex profile; elderflower, guava, and solid hop petals and citrus zest. We color as we go so no two mixes are the same. Finally, we sprinkle in malic acid crystals to add an agreeable tartness that's almost creamy.
Each jar of hard candy comes with little trinkets of an ingredient we use, and for this flavor we've added a few hop petals so you can taste for yourself.
The tartness level is about the same as a lemonade.